Monday, June 27, 2016


You know, I have been told by my students that every time I introduce a new topic, I say, "Y'all, if there is anything I want you to really get this year, its..... It is the most important thing you need to know!"  I think they are probably right - I tend to exaggerate quite a bit in most areas of my life.  :-)

But....INTEGERS really are the most important thing I want my students to get!  I absolutely LOVE the light that snaps on in kids eyes when integers just click - and for some it happens right away, but for others, it is a process.  For that reason, I teach integers in multiple ways all year long.

I am working on a few integer products for my TpT store, and thought I would post links to two of them today...they are both really good, and I think anyone would love them.  As the school year gets going I will post pictures of some of the integer lessons and activities I do, and include pics of these two products in action.

First, integer ISN notes - a must.  I teach integers with two color counters and with a number line, and even by acting out a basketball game involving the "positives" verses the "negatives".  I play integer war and we use task cards and anything else I can come up with to learn the concepts - but notes are necessary and important for kids to internalize the concepts with a resource they can repeatedly go back to.  Here are my INTEGER ISN SKETCH NOTES:

They include notes and practice for concepts - all ready to print and use - along with answers for teachers.  Here are a couple of  pics, but there is much more in the product!

Then, last night, I added the product "The Value of Words".  I often write the alphabet under my number line at school so that each letter is assigned one integer.  Then, I give the kids words to find the total of if they combine the integer values for each letter.  I finally put it all together in a neat and fun product that includes cards with integer values, word lists for each season, and word cards with suggestions for games to play using this idea!  It is awesome and I cannot wait to use it with my kiddos!  Here it is!

Hope you check these out!  They are really great!  Once school starts, I will post about how I implement them in my classroom along with pictures.  It makes me excited for school to start!

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